by Christopher Barr

“The driving force in society is not love but fear.” – American Psychologist, John B. Watson

Mind control isn’t only a subject in futuristic science-fiction. There’s also plenty to draw from in the past as depicted in Plato’s Republic, the Greek Philosopher writes the Allegory of the Cave. This dialogue is narrated by Plato’s mentor Socrates to Plato’s brother Glaucon and is described as a group of prisoners, held immobile since childhood, chained in a cave and facing a blank wall. The prisoners watch shadows, including figures of men and animals made of wood, on the wall projected in front of an enormous fire behind them and are able to ascribe forms to the shadows. Then Socrates explains that one of the prisoners becomes free, exits the cave and sees the true reality of the bright sunny world thus understanding that the shadows on the wall were illusions simulating reality much like the TV does today. Upon returning to the cave and freeing the remaining prisoners, the freed prisoner, with his eyes no longer accustom to the darkness, educates the prisoners that these shadows are only representations of reality but not actually real. The prisoners look at this man with corrupted, unfocused eyes and are afraid of anything he has to say that is contrary to what they already know to be true. These prisoners might get so disturbed by this betrayal of information they might kill the freed man for corrupting their illusions.

The purpose of our education system is to manufacture human resources to create more wealth for the elite globalist. The school is but a training ground for future workers and socialising the population, to learn how to do what they are told to do with Behaviourist, B.F Skinner-type, negative reinforcement versus positive reinforcement. By removing self-reliance at the adolescence stage of life, this will inevitably create an obedient adult that relies entirely on the system that oppressed him or her in the first place. Then there is the fear of paucity, the fear of insufficiency, a child’s fear of abandonment and the sustenance one needs to survive, thus removing a desire for creativity and self-teaching, which help develop individuality and iconoclasm.

This form of control on a national level persuades the population to follow orders and behave, not because they want to but because at any given time, they may be being watched and thus documented for possible incrimination. Our population is victim to this form of mind control. Where we think we are the authors of our lives and the creators of our futures, through blinders most of us wear, we are obedient consumers in a society that’s under constant surveillance.
I think that telling people to ‘wake up’ isn’t going to do the job. Education is the way to do it. I don’t mean formal, I mean alternative or at least less main stream. Man need to study himself, to understand how he thinks to overcome this mind control that is held over him. We are dealing with a war on consciousness and we must use the mind as a weapon of defence. We must realise that there is a darker side of our psyche that we wish to keep tucked away to avoid asking questions that may take us to that darker side. Carl Jung says, “One thing is sure, a great change of our psychological attitude is imminent, that is certain…because we need more…we need more psychology, we need more understanding of human nature because the only real danger that exists is man himself, he is the great danger, and we are pitifully unaware of it, we know nothing of man, far too little. His psyche should be studied because we are the origin of all coming evil.”